Deciding to finally change up my name to my legal name across-the-board has been like hopping on an unending, nauseating rollercoaster. Exciting? Absolutely! I legitimately can’t wait to embrace my legal name. But I truly had no idea what was in store for me in terms of all that needs to change…dominos are falling!!!
Of course, I realize I’m screaming into the wind right now, since I made this nightmare for myself. The concept made sense to me…or must have at some point recently, and I was super excited to dive in…but wow, the lists and documents and letters and annoyance to others…ups and downs, slowing down to speed up, I’m surprised I’m not popping Zofran like candy.
Saying goodbye to my old name was like bidding farewell to a close friend. It hit me hard emotionally. But it was also incredibly freeing. Bye, Ulrich. Hello, Dichter.
I had already legally done so 18 years ago when my husband and I married, but for work and life in general, I held onto my old name like a baby blanket. I knew letting go would be healthy, but I’ve learned through this process that with good health must come good ol’ incessant headaches. From sorting out my LLC, to each and every client, producer and agency with which I work or have worked, to all casting sites including IMDB and my own website to SAG…oh, and every profile on social media, not to mention updating email addresses, it feels like an unending, loop de loop.
I’m still on the ride. So much yet to fix! Once I update something, I need to tackle more. Kind of like a whack-a-mole game.
So, if you’re thinking about a name change, buckle up!
Lova ya and with gratitude always, DICHTER